protected array $sql; Sql queries, typically from .sql files on disk
protected string $orm_namespace; The namespace from which Orm classes should be loaded
protected string $db_name; The name used by BigDbServer to identify this BigDb instance. Does NOT correspond to a mysql database. Also, {}@see get_db_name()}
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo)
public function init() Initialize BigDb by loading queries, setting up Orm loader, and such, using a defined directory structure.
Does nothing on Tlf\BigDb, but subclasse init from the directory they are defined in.
public function get_root_dir(): string Get path to the root of a BigDb library.
public function init_from_dir(string $dir) Initialize a BigDb library from a directory using the strictly defined directory structure.
public function get_db_name(): string Get a name for the BigDbServer to reference.